The British Homing World Show of the Year 2016 – the largest gathering of pigeon fanciers in Great Britain – took place over the weekend 16th/17th January at The Winter Gardens, Blackpool.
Around 15,000 visitors saw more than 2000 racing pigeons and 1000 fancy pigeons on display, and more than 100 trade stands exhibiting everything ‘pigeon’.
As well as being another successful event, the Show raised many thousands of pounds for charity, the five main beneficiaries being the British Pigeon Fanciers Lung Medical Research Team, Age UK, SHINE, British Heart Foundation and St John Ambulance, while donations are also made to many other charities. See this article from SHINE on how the funds assist their work.
Below are the weekend’s results:
Show of the Year 2016 Class winners
Show of the Year 2016 Trophy Winners List
List of raffle prize winners
Galleries of images of the Show are available to view on the following websites:
Getty Images
The Guardian
Australia’s Border Mail
There is an article about young fancier Keelie Wright’s achievements on the LurganMail website.
You can also watch Colin Scales’ video of the event below:
The Show of the Year 2017 will take place over the weekend Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd January, and will be the 40th show to take place at Blackpool.
See you there!
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