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New Rule 238 – ETS Master Systems

Following the update on new Rule 238 below, clock setters please be aware that the scheduled annual maintenance shutdown of the MSF service to allow safe working on the masts and antennas is taking place from today until Friday 7th July. The service will be off air from 8am until 6pm each day, including weekends. Read more about the MSF radio time signal here.


21/04/23: The RPRA Clock Committee held a zoom meeting on 20th April 2023 with regard to Rule 238 and our members who are using the TauRIS ETS system, which is awaiting a firmware update. The committee upheld rule 238 and advised TauRIS users to connect to an alternative ETS master system which has the facility to print off a strike report until such time that there is a firmware update available from TauRIS.

To comply with the rule, all ETS master systems must be synchronised with either a GPS Signal or Radio Time signal, with printed evidence produced which states the method of synchronisation and the time of synchronisation. This must be completed by all masters before race marking and before race checking. Manual setting will not be allowed on all ETS master timers at marking or clock checking.

Chris Sutton


05/04/23: New Rule passed at AGM

The new rule as proposed and passed via your mandated region delegates by 15 votes to 4 at the AGM reads:

“All ETS master systems must be synchronised with either a GPS Signal or Radio Time signal, with printed evidence produced which states the method of synchronisation and the time of synchronisation. This must be completed on all ETS masters before race marking and before race checking. Manual setting will not be allowed on ETS master timers at marking or clock checking.”

This was proposed by the Council to ensure there is a mechanism to check for clock variations between clubs and clock stations in an organisation. Where the ETS club masters were not running correct to time during the week, the clock setter could not obtain a GPS or radio signal, the option to set manually would be used. This is no longer allowed, as it could lead to a discrepancy in variation between clubs racing for federation positions, and in large national organisations with several marking stations positioned all around the country. Just as manual clocks must be checked and struck against the BBC time signal following RPRA rule 210, ETS club masters should have to do the same and provide evidence that it has been done.

If there are issues with obtaining a time signal by GPS or radio signal at your clubhouse, an external radio clock is available from several outlets to synchronise your club master which correct themselves with the MSF Radio signal and provide a third time source. Clock setters should also be aware that the scheduled annual maintenance shutdown of the MSF service to allow safe working on the masts and antennas will take place from Monday 19th June to Friday 7th July 2023. The service will be off air from 8am until 6pm each day, including weekends. If you do not use the GPS signal and do not have a radio clock to use under these circumstances, clock setters should obtain a strike report from the radio clock within 24 hours of basketing during the maintenance period, and provide printed evidence before setting manually at the clubhouse if required, with added explanation in writing by the clock setter for the federation secretary.

Chris Sutton


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