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Booking of RPRA liberation sites

To avoid jeopardising official RPRA liberation sites all liberations MUST be booked and paid for through RPRA HQ. This includes Race Programmes, Open Races, One Loft Races and Training Tosses.

Please ensure that 2024 Inland & Continental Race Programmes are completed on official forms and returned to RPRA HQ by Friday 1st March, along with a copy of this APHA form, which you must also email to [email protected]. Make sure that you include the number of vehicles and liberations at each race points, to alleviate clashing.

2024 Race Programme Forms, Application to Liberate forms, site availability and fees for official RPRA liberation sites can be obtained by e-mailing [email protected] or calling us on 01452 713529. 

The following liberation sites require keys for access:

4230 Brighton
4153 Dunbar
4210 Huntingdon Jubilee Park
4065 Lyndhurst
4093 Retford
4195 Worksop

Please send a £30.00 deposit for each key requested to the Racing Support Office at RPRA HQ – A MINIMUM OF 14 DAYS NOTICE IS REQUIRED. (£25 is refundable, to cover postage costs etc.)

Salient points on these sites or any other official site can be found on the RPRA UK Liberation Sites Map page. Alternatively the official site report detailing useful information on any RPRA site is available on request from RPRA HQ.

Appendix M – Independent transport companies/hauliers shall, prior to 1st March each year, deliver to the Chief Executive their race programme for the year, including race dates, approximate liberation times, number of vehicles/liberations and the names of the convoyed organisations. Independent transport companies/haulers are responsible for the payment of the liberation site fees (direct to the RPRA).

Maximum Daily Vehicle Limits and Pre-Booking

There are a large number of RPRA liberation sites with a maximum daily vehicle limit or that require pre-booking. These conditions are set by the site authorities and it is very important that they are adhered to, otherwise the sites will be withdrawn. The daily vehicle limit must not be exceeded, and sites requiring pre-booking must be contacted in advance of your vehicle turning up on site. When planning which site your organisation wishes to use, please ensure that you check the site availability with Racing Support prior to 10am Friday.

If your organisation needs to make a last minute change of site outside of office hours, you can check the site availability via our website. First go to the Race Programmes page to view the number of organisations (vehicles) booked at a liberation site, and then follow the link to the UK Liberation Sites Map (or click on ‘UK Liberations Sites Map’ in ‘Racing Handbook’). Select the site you wish to use by clicking on the pointer, and the site details will provide information on vehicle limits and pre-booking requirements.

We are always open to proposals for new liberation sites. It needs to be an open aspect with no obstructions, and space to park a number of vehicles, and if 24-hour access and overnight stays is available, then so much the better. To propose a new liberation site please complete and forward this form to us.

Biosecurity, Avian Influenza etc

Please note it is the Race Organiser’s responsibility to be aware of the Defra conditions under the General Licence for Bird Gatherings. Biosecurity measures MUST be adhered to, as well as any other avian influenza licence restrictions introduced by Defra. Full information on the current licence conditions can be found on the Defra General Licence for Bird Gatherings web page. 


Please ensure your licence is valid for the 2024 racing season, if you are transporting pigeons. Convoyers’ licences are obtained through your Region Secretary.  The application form can be downloaded here or you can e-mail [email protected] or your Region Secretary. Complete the form and forward to your Region Secretary together with the £10.00 fee, to be included on the Convoyers Register and receive the 2024 Official Convoyers’ Booklet.

Open Races

Application forms for an RPRA Open Race Licence can be obtained from your Region Secretary or downloaded here. The completed form, £10.00 fee & S.A.E must be sent to the Region Secretary at least 21 days before the race. An application to liberate form MUST be completed and sent with the relevant liberation site fee to Racing Support, RPRA HQ. To check site availability and fees e-mail [email protected] or call us on 01452 713529.

2024 Rule 25 Information Sheet

This form also needs to be completed and returned before 1st April, together with the fee of £12.00 including VAT. Any organisation failing to do this shall instead pay a fee of £14.40 including VAT.


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