Submit Federation Results If you’d like to submit Federation race results, please complete the form below. Federation: Select FederationAltrincham & District FederationAtherton & District Federation Barkston Ash Inv Federation Barnsley & District SR FederationBarnsley Federation of Racing PigeonsBerks Bucks & Oxon S R FederationBerkshire & District FederationBirkdale Homing FederationBlackburn & District FederationBorder Amalgamation Bristol SR FederationBurton & South Derbyshire FederationCamborne & Redruth FederationCentral Derbyshire FederationCentral Federation PeterboroughCentral Lancashire CombineCentral N R FederationCentral Yorkshire Federation Cheshire CombineCheshire County FederationCheshire Plains FederationCity Of Leeds FederationCornish Combine Crook & Dist FedCumbria CombineDarlington & District FederationDerby Burton & District S R Federation Derbyshire Federation Derbyshire N R FederationDerwent Valley Federation Devon South Road Federation Dewsbury & District Federation Doncaster & District FederationDorset SR FederationEast Anglian Federation East Coast Federation East Cumbria Federation East Leeds & District FederationEast London FederationEast Of Scotland Federation Eryri Federation Essex Central FederationFens S R Federation Furness Federation of Racing Pigeons Glasgow District Federation of R P C Gloucestershire & District FederationGreat Yorkshire AmalgamationHeart of England FederationHeavy Woollen Federation Home Counties South Road FederationHull & District SR FederationInter-Counties S R FederationIrwell Valley FederationKent Cosmopolitan FederationKent Invicta South Road CombineKent Premier FederationKingdom Racing Pigeon Association Lancashire Central Federation Lancashire CombineLeeds & District AmalgamationLeicestershire N R Federation Leicestershire S R Federation Lincolnshire North Road FederationLiverpool Amalgamation HPSLondon North Road CombineLymm & Dist FederationMerseyside Federation Mid Antrim Combine CCMid Cheshire Federation Mid Cornwall Federation Mid Northants SR Federation Mid Tyne FederationMid Tyne FederationMid Yorkshire CombineMidland Channel/Inland AmalgamationMidlands CombineMidshires South Road FederationNew Lancashire Federation New North Road AmalagamationNew North Road FederationNew North West Lancs Premier FederationNew Yorkshire Middle Route FederationNewcastle FederationNormanton FederationNorth Cheshire Federation North Derbyshire S R FederationNorth East Lancs FederationNorth East Wales & West Wirral FederationNorth Liverpool FederationNorth London FederationNorth South FederationNorth Staffs Federation North West Amalgamation North West Cheshire AmalgamationNorth West CombineNorth West Lancashire FederationNorth West Yorkshire Federation North Wirral & West Lancashire AmalgamationNorth Wirral Federation North Yorkshire FederationNorthern Ireland Provincial AmalgamationNorthumberland FederationNottingham & District N R FederationNottinghamshire S R FederationNotts & Derby Border FederationOldham & District Federation Ormskirk West Amalgamation Peterborough & District Federation Red Rose FederationRhondda Valley Pigeon FedScottish Borders FederationScottish Central FedSevern Valley FederationShropshire Federation R P CSolent South Road Federation South Birmingham FederationSouth Coast Federation South East Durham FederationSouth East Lancs FederationSouth Lancashire CombineSouth Lincolnshire Federation South West Cheshire FederationSouthampton District N R FederationSouthport FederationStocksbridge & District FederationStockton & Dist Federation Stour Valley FederationSurrey Federation Sussex North Road Federation Tamworth & District S R Federation Teesside FederationThames Valley N R FederationThree Borders Federation Three Counties CombineThurrock FederationTwo Counties CombineTyne to Tweed SectionUBI CombineWarrington Federation Warwickshire & District FederationWelsh South Road FederationWest Cheshire FederationWest Cheshire North Wirral AmalgamationWest Coast Federation West Cornwall FederationWest Cumbria Amalgamation West Cumbria Federation West Durham FederationWest Essex FederationWest Lancashire Affiliation West of England SR CombineWest Pennine Amalgamation West Riding Federation Widnes FederationWiltshire & Dist SR FederationWolverhampton & District Federation Wolverhampton Federation of Midweek FCWorcestershire & District Federation Wrekin FederationWrexham & District FederationYorks & Lincs NR CombineYorks, Notts & Derbys Combine Race Point: No of Members No of Birds NamePlease enter the full name for each position. Velocity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20