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GB Ring Transfers

There are two methods of transferring a GB ring number into your name:

By post: You need to submit a completed transfer form, duly signed by the vendor (the person from whom you are transferring the bird), and with your details completed where appropriate. You can list up to 6 rings per form, provided that all of the rings are being transferred from the same vendor. You will need a separate form for each different vendor.

Send the completed forms, together with a fee of £5 per form, to RPRA, Unit 35-41 Upper Mills Trading Estate, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire GL10 2BJ . Cheques or postal orders are accepted – we advise you not to send cash through the post, and we do not accept payment in stamps. There is no need to send a SAE with a transfer form.

Electronically: Log in to the automated transfer system (click on the image below), and use your loft number and the e-mail address recorded in our membership database to transfer rings out to a new owner. There are no transfer fees for using this process. NB – this service will only work where both lofts are paid-up RPRA members.

NWHU Ring Registration

Since 2019 all rings issued by the North West Homing Union (NWHU) that are raced or shown under RPRA rules have had to be registered with the RPRA by 1st April. This follows the decision taken by the RPRA Council that all rings issued by unions that are not members of the British Confederation should be registered. The cost of registration is 30p per ring.

This registration document should be completed and returned to Unit 35-41 Upper Mills Trading Estate, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire GL10 2BJ  before 1st April. Confirmation will be issued by the RPRA to the owner as evidence of registration.

Other UK Rings

For rings from other British organisations (NEHU, WHU, SHU etc) please refer to the appropriate organisation. We do not keep those records here at RPRA HQ.

Foreign Ring Registration

For foreign ring registrations please send us the new owner’s card, together with your details and a fee of £2 per card, to the same address above.